20 years under Putin: a timeline

The Institute of Modern Russia is introducing a new section on imrussia.org called “The Rundown,” which features digests compiled by IMR experts of the best content related to Russia. The section contains four categories: media must-reads, research recaps, event briefings, and book reviews.



The research recaps will be published monthly and will feature highlights from the latest public opinion polls and think tank reports related to Russia. The event briefings will also come out monthly and will include the most salient points made at panel discussions and conferences on Russia. Individual reports on special events, such as U.S. Congressional hearings, will be released immediately after the events take place. And finally, book reviews will also come out on a monthly basis.

The media must-reads will include the most compelling news and analysis stories about Russia from the previous week. It will be published on Fridays, providing you with some excellent weekend reading options.

We hope these features will prove useful to you both as a source of updates on the news and as a reference tool for information about Russia. Please write to us if you have any suggestions for how we could improve the section—we want to make it as helpful for you as possible.