After the launch of the mobile website entitled “Sochi 2014: The Reverse Side of the Medal,” IMR developed another project on Sochi—a live blog that streams photographs of the city life during the Olympics.
This man works for a private security firm “Russian Security Alliance” in Sochi. During the Olympics, his firm collaborates with the national security police. He resents the fact that 80 percent of the security police officers will leave Sochi right after the Olympics and will not stay for the Paralympics.
As the Winter Olympics in the popular summer resort city gathers momentum, it is interesting to observe how the Games affect the lives and daily routines of the ordinary Sochi residents. This blog gives an opportunity to look beyond the glitter and declamatory grandeur of the most expensive Olympics in history and to see the real city life through a photographer’s lens.
The blog is updated every 2-3 hours. Please, come back for more images (
In the village of Baranovka (Sochi suburbs), there is a shelter for stray dogs. Every day volunteers bring here dozens of animals from Sochi to be rescued from death. Sochi authorities reserve the right to kill off stray dogs, which caused an outcry among foreign journalists.
Before the Olympics, Sochi Mayor Anatoly Pakhomov announced that there were no gay people in his city. However, there are plenty of gay clubs in Sochi, and Mayak is one the most popular venues. Nikitos, a performer for the late show at Mayak, is changing in his dressing room.
This Russian couple specifically chose the opening date of Sochi Olympics to be their wedding day. Fyodor and Veronika came to the local registry office wearing Russia’s Olympic uniform. After the ceremony they screamed “Russia, ahead!”