Vladimir Kara-Murza is the author of Reform or Revolution: The Quest for Responsible Government in the First Russian State Duma (Moscow 2011), and a contributor to Russia’s Choices: The Duma Elections and After (London 2003) and Russian Liberalism: Ideas and People (Moscow 2007). In 2005, he produced They Chose Freedom, a television documentary on dissent in the Soviet Union. From 2004 to 2012, he served as the Washington bureau chief of RTVi television, and was previously a correspondent for Novye Izvestia and Kommersant newspapers, and editor-in-chief of the Russian Investment Review. Kara-Murza was a candidate for the Russian parliament in 2003, and has served as an advisor to Duma opposition leader Boris Nemtsov (2000–03), and as campaign chairman for presidential candidate Vladimir Bukovsky (2007–08). He is a member of the Coordinating Council of the Russian Opposition, as well as of the federal council of the Republican Party of Russia–People’s Freedom Party and of the Solidarity movement. His op-eds have appeared in the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, the National Post, and World Affairs. Vladimir Kara-Murza holds an M.A. in history from Cambridge University, England.