Despite a plethora of irrefutable evidence, Russian president Vladimir Putin continues his steadfast denial of Russia’s military presence in Ukraine. According to writer Alexander Podrabinek, only those interested in propaganda and not facts are capable of disregarding such a cynical lie.
On September 8, 2014, the preliminary results of the investigation into the recent crash of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 over Donetsk, Ukraine, were published by the Netherlands commission assembled for the task. Moscow-based journalist Olga Melnikova comments on Russia’s reactions to the findings.
In late August, Russian troops as good as started the invasion of the Ukrainian territory. Despite the Russians’ drastic escalation of the military conflict, the West has remained neutral with regard to Vladimir Putin’s aggressive policy. According to writer Alexander Podrabinek, the sooner Western leaders realize that this position is misguided, the lower the cost of reestablishing peace will be.
The most recent public polls in Russia show an unprecedented increase in patriotism and support for president Vladimir Putin’s policies. At the same time, there is growing intolerance toward the opposition and hostility toward Western counties. Olga Melnikova, a Moscow-based journalist, observes that, under the influence of propaganda, many Russians seem to have developed something akin to Stockholm syndrome in their relationship to the government.
Last week, the Russian government banned food imports from the United States, Canada, the European Union, Australia, and Norway. This initiative has split the already-divided Russian society into two warring camps. Olga Melnikova, a Moscow-based journalist, sums up the discussion currently unfolding in the Russian blogosphere.
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